"Ρε Δρακουλίνα μα τι εν τούτο που γράφεις δαμέ;"
"Μα ποιο;"
"Μα ίνταμπου γράφεις δαμέ 'τάρασσε', εν 'τάραττε' η λέξη."
"Μα για ίντα πράμα μιλάς; Μα τι εν τούτο, ένιξερω... Α εν κάτι blog που θκιαβάζω. Πελλάρες."

Back to my obsessions. I did the ticket talk. The ticket talk did me. And it me bad. Now I'm either wearing the expressionless face or the sulky one which by the way seems to make me a psycho. Yep, these are the exact words. WorD. It should be the other way round though, shouldn't it. I mean, it would make more sense. Me feel helpless here. Me feel suffocating. It's all about me isn't it.
I'll be back.

7 σχόλια:

What a strange little world you are fashioning.

Elaborate ?

You know I won't :)

Although maybe I should?

You shouldn't. But I'd like it if you did

The things between the lines in the posts you write, they arel ittle windows, little glass windows with thick glass that are in a row on the side of a dark tunnel and when you peek through you can't make out anything other than bright coloured lights that shift and change shapes and you don't know what these lights are, whether they are alive or not, whether they are good or evil.

Yes, I like this.

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